Logmeonce Password Management Suite Premium 5.2 Download UPDATED

Logmeonce Password Management Suite Premium 5.2 Download

Passwords are terrible. Nosotros all hate them. But we're stuck with them until something better comes along. All the same, it seems like adding insult to injury when the first thing a countersign manager does is inquire you lot to create and think...a master password! The developers at LogMeOnce feel your pain. If y'all have a smartphone or mobile device bachelor, LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium is perfectly happy without a master password. Just be sure to keep that smartphone extremely well secured. This free password managing director rivals LastPass in its wide feature set, and offers more features than most of its for-pay competitors.

Similar LastPass, LogMeOnce is totally free, with no limit on the number of saved passwords or on the number of devices you apply. It does display ads on its login page and some other pages. Sure advanced features aren't available in the gratis edition; gaining access to those requires that yous buy LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Ultimate. Other features have limits not constitute in the paid edition. All the same other features are extra cost add-ons even if yous purchased the Ultimate edition. Still, this free countersign director is more feature-rich than its competitors.

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Speaking of those competitors, LogMeOnce can import passwords from LastPass, Dashlane, Roboform, and more than than a dozen others. If you're looking to switch to a new password manager, importing from your erstwhile one certainly makes information technology easy. And LogMeOnce includes detailed instructions for each supported import source. LogMeOnce can as well import passwords stored in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. KeePass is the import king, with the ability to import password information from more than than xl competitors.

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New Dashboard

Since my last review, LogMeOnce'due south user interface has completely changed, a total makeover. The primary dashboard is more often than not whitespace, with the big message "Retrieve Differently." To the correct is a circle of icons; y'all can put your own photo in the middle. The circle features these icons: Password Manager, Mugshot, Password SHOCK, Productivity Charts, Two-Factor Authentication, Secure Notes, Secure Wallet, and Anti-Theft.

I'1000 not sure I run across the indicate in using only a third of the bachelor space for that circle of icons. I'm besides disappointed that narrowing the window merely acquired the entire display to shrink proportionally in my testing. Merely overall, information technology's much more than clean and elegant than the interface in the previous version.

LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium Main Window

Those 8 icons orbiting your photograph represent but a few of the huge selection of available features. Many more features are bachelor from the Smart Menu, organized into Productivity, Security, Reports, and General. You can launch any of the almost two dozen features directly from the Smart Menu. Those using the paid edition tin can remove any unwanted icons from the dashboard and replace them with features from the smart menu. Paying customers too get a Smart Card without the third-party advertising banner found in this edition.

Passwordless Authentication

Y'all begin the procedure of signing up for a LogMeOnce account by entering your first proper name, final name, and e-mail address. You also choose a security question and answer. Here, equally always, it's extremely important to option something that nobody could effigy out by Googling y'all or eyeing your social media. Rather than accept i of the predefined questions, add a unique question that has pregnant to you lot, and but yous.

Now comes the big choice. Yous tin can choose to create a passwordless account, or one that uses a master password. For testing, I started with the default passwordless business relationship, and installed the necessary browser plugin. The business relationship creation wizard sent a text to my iPhone with a link to install the LogMeOnce app. Once I entered my email address in the app, the Web page displayed a QR lawmaking for pairing. To finish off the procedure, I defined a half-dozen-digit PIN.

The free Myki Countersign Manager & Authenticator offers a similar style of passwordless login, only with Myki your passwords reside on your phone, not in the cloud. Y'all need a PIN or fingerprint to log in to Myki, merely there's non even an choice to use a master password. This might audio a bit risky, but it's actually a form of two-factor authentication. Logging in requires that you both take the smartphone and either know the PIN or cosign with your fingerprint.

You can employ LogMeOnce on any reckoner, but you do take to install the browser extension first. In one case you lot've washed that, LogMeOnce sends an hallmark asking to your smartphone. If the phone supports it, you can log in with a fingerprint. If not, that six-digit Pin does the job. Bear in mind that a hacker couldn't do anything with the Pin lone. Authentication requires knowing the PIN and having possession of the smartphone.

Notation that because LogMeOnce's desktop version is a browser extension, it'south merely enabled for the browser where you installed it. If you try to log in from a different browser, LogMeOnce prompts you to install that browser'due south extension. Because LogMeOnce is totally browser-based, it's not limited to a specific platform. Information technology works just the aforementioned on Windows and macOS devices. You tin can even employ it under Linux (something I haven't tried). It's too available in the app store for both Android and iOS devices.

New Onboarding Process

If you've never used a password director earlier, the beginning steps can be a chip daunting. LogMeOnce now includes a thorough training for new users. It'southward a pregnant investment of time, so don't offset it unless you're ready to go all the way, learning the ropes and making configuration choices.

During the process, you'll choose whether to use LogMeOnce as nada merely a password director, or to enable its coincident features (you lot can change your mind later). Some pages overlay informative text on the program's screens, showing what each icon does. You'll import passwords from your browsers, and optionally from a supported import source.

LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium Training

The onboarding process also walks yous through setting upward features that just aren't bachelor in the gratis edition. These include Scheduled Login, Account Freeze, and Password Stupor. I skipped these.

The next phase of onboarding, chosen Test Drive, walks you through manually creating a password entry and calculation a group, a secure note, and a credit card. Finally, you can earn costless secure storage by paging through what the program calls trivia. These are screens calling attention to the program's unusual features.

Like many things about LogMeOnce, this process felt over-enthusiastic. For example, one of the trivia pages illustrated the difference betwixt LogMeOnce and every other password manager with a pic of a shelf full of features for LogMeOnce, and a well-nigh-empty shelf with cipher but countersign management for the residuum. A chart on the product'due south spider web page similarly displays a vast list of features, claiming only LogMeOnce has them. The question is, whether you desire or need all these features.

PhotoLogin and Other Mobile Choices

There'south also an unusual authentication option called PhotoLogin. When logging in on the smartphone itself, this feature simply snaps a photo of whatsoever is in front of the phone. If the photo matches what you expected to see, y'all tap to log in. I find this a bit mystifying. The phone is in my paw. How would the photograph fail to match what I only snapped?

The real value of this characteristic comes when you authenticate your login from the browser-based version. And so information technology'southward similar to the tap-to-authenticate feature used past Keeper and others, though they use the mobile-based authentication as a second factor, in addition to the master password.

Alas, using this characteristic to cosign your login from the browser-based version is a premium-only feature. Indeed, when I tried, it simply showed a generic image. However, when I entered the Pivot, information technology still unlocked my business relationship in the browser.

LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium Login Options

While PhotoLogin seems akin to facial recognition, it actually isn't. You lot, the user, verify that the flick you are seeing is what you just snapped. In my previous evaluation I noted that someone who picks upwardly your unlocked phone tin can tap to verify, and thereby get total admission to your passwords. In the current edition, you can't turn off Pivot validation, which is certainly safer. Yet, if someone gets hold of your unlocked telephone, the only protection for your passwords is that six-digit Pin, which is vastly less secure than a strong master password. If y'all decide to use this feature, be sure to protect your phone with a stiff password and biometric hallmark, and never put information technology downwards without locking it.

True Key(Visit Site at True Key) allows true facial recognition for authentication, and you lot can configure it to cosign without the primary password. Indeed, if you lot've defined enough biometric and other authentication factors, you lot can reset a forgotten master password. You can't create an account with no primary password, the style you can with LogMeOnce, simply you can configure True Key to unlock based on factors other than the master password.

On your mobile installation, you can enable hallmark via fingerprint, and you must create a Pivot. Y'all can log in to the browser-based edition on your desktop using either of these. When you lot practise, it directs yous to check your mobile device. Just browse your print or enter your PIN to allow login on the desktop.

Calculation Applications

LogMeOnce comes with numerous curt videos explaining all its features. On viewing a few of these, you'll quickly realize that by applications this product ways what other products might call accounts, passwords, or logins. As with LastPass, Dashlane, RoboForm Everywhere, and most competing products, the LogMeOnce browser extension notices when you lot log in to a secure site and offers to save your login credentials as an application. You tin can assign the new application to one of seven predefined groups at capture fourth dimension. Creating new groups used to be a premium-only feature, just information technology'south now bachelor at the free level.

From the Smart Carte, yous can open the product's catalog of more than 4,500 known sites. To add 1 to your app collection, simply click it and enter your username and password. If a site is in the catalog, you know that LogMeOnce can handle it, even if information technology uses a nonstandard login folio.

You can also add an app manually. Every bit you start typing the proper name, LogMeOnce lists matching sites from its extensive catalog. LastPass, Sticky Password Premium, and a few others take a different approach to nonstandard logins, allowing the user to simply capture information from all fields. LogMeOnce can also capture all data fields from oddball login pages, and it does so in a very articulate and simple way.

For sites in the catalog, LogMeOnce displays the saved logo. For unknown sites, it grabs a screenshot. You can also choose a custom paradigm.

Whether captured as you log in or created manually, new apps utilise Unmarried Sign-On by default. That means LogMeOnce volition log in automatically when you launch the app from the browser toolbar. If you simply revisit a site that has login credentials saved, LogMeOnce asks whether you desire to log in, and which credentials to use when you take two or more than. Requiring some user interaction at this point is important. Researchers have identified a technique whereby malefactors inject script into a folio that creates an invisible login form, then harvests the login credentials automatically filled by the browser or countersign manager.

If you choose to enable Single Log-Out, logging out of LogMeOnce also logs you out of the site. That'southward a feature I oasis't seen elsewhere.

With most competing products, y'all click the browser toolbar button for a carte of bachelor logins. LogMeOnce is a bit different, displaying a panel of icons representing your top 20 logins. Just click one to go there and log in. If you've saved a ton of sites, you can notice the desired one rapidly by typing in the search box. Each letter y'all type narrows the listing.

LogMeOnce stores passwords for websites simply, not for other programs. The only free password managing director I've evaluated that handles passwords for programs (other than Android apps) is KeePass, which doesn't support the usual password capture and replay for websites.

Password Calculator and Countersign Policy

When you create a new business relationship, LogMeOnce'due south password calculator offers to generate a strong password. By default, it creates 15-character passwords using all graphic symbol types. That's meliorate than Symantec Norton Identity Safe, which defaults to 8 characters. The default in Enpass Password Director is an impressive eighteen characters, but KeePass tops that with twenty characters. MyKi beats all the free and paid password managers I've evaluated with a default password length of xxx characters.

The proper name password calculator refers to the fact that it calculates the approximate fourth dimension required to fissure whatever password you lot blazon into it. For example, information technology estimates three hours to crack "Password," but 78 days to crack "Password!" with an assertion marking. As for its own generated passwords, well, don't try cracking those unless you have billions of years to spare.

LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium Generator

Launching Countersign Policy from the Smart Menu gives you some command over the policy enforced by LogMeOnce. The betoken of setting a countersign policy is to encourage good security habits. Past default, your master password expires every three months, and yous must supercede it with a new principal password you've never used earlier. You can eliminate or soften the restriction on previously used passwords, allowing reuse after three or v other master passwords. Those using the premium edition can change the expiry time to as curt as one month or as long equally i year. Of course, this applies only if you've added a main countersign to your LogMeOnce account.

By default, LogMeOnce requires that a master password consist of at to the lowest degree eight characters, containing capital letter letters, lowercase letters, and digits. If do choose to use a master password, I suggest you make it a strong password, well across the minimum requirements.

Ii-Factor Bonanza

When you're using passwordless hallmark, you've already got a form of 2-factor authentication. Nobody can log into your account unless they also possess your smartphone. But if y'all're looking for boosted security, LogMeOnce has a ton of options. Click Two-Gene Authentication from the dashboard to set it upwardly.

The two-factor authentication page implies that yous must plant a master countersign to utilize 2-factor protection, but I plant that I could use multiple factors along with passwordless authentication. You tin employ Google Authenticator, or a Google Authenticator work-alike such equally Duo Mobile or Twilio Authy, as a second factor. Making the connectedness is equally simple every bit snapping a QR code with your mobile device.

Like Truthful Key, Zoho Vault, and others, LogMeOnce can send a one-time passcode via text message, for a second hallmark gene. It tin can also transport that one-time lawmaking as a vocalization call. Merely unlike any other product I've seen, LogMeOnce charges you for the privilege of using voice or SMS authentication. In the US, vocalism calls cost 4 credits and text messages price 2. Y'all purchase credits in bundles of i,000 for $10. Ii-cistron authentication via email is gratis, at least.

With oneID, Keeper, and a few others, phone-based hallmark is a snap. You simply tap the notification that appears on your smartphone to allow the login.

Additional two-cistron options become bachelor in the premium edition. These include Selfie-2FA (photograph-based security), authentication using a prepared USB drive, and (for geeks simply) authentication using an X.509 document. If y'all enable multiple ii-gene options, your master countersign plus whatever 1 of the other factors unlocks the account.

LastPass as well supports text-based two-factor authentication, at no charge, forth with support for Google Authenticator and piece of work-alikes. Security-minded folks can enter the LastPass chief password using a virtual keyboard, one of the very few features not found in LogMeOnce.

While not precisely related to two-factor security, LogMeOnce'southward Mugshot feature besides helps secure your account if someone else gets hold of your device. On a failed login effort, this characteristic snaps photos with the front and rear cameras and transmits that data to your account, along with the device'south location and IP address. Note that the premium edition includes a full-scale set of anti-theft features.

Identity Profiles

Filling passwords into login pages isn't much different from filling personal data into Web forms. Like many other password managers, LogMeOnce lets you define personal data profiles for Web class filling.

LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium Credit Cards

This utility's collection of personal data isn't every bit all-encompassing equally some, but it covers the basics. Personal data consists of first and last name, email address, birthday, and gender (just male or female, not the dozens of choices you lot get with Tinder). And you lot can identify each phone number as cell, home, fax, work, or other. I am pleased that the multiple phone entries correctly filled the matching fields, and that it filled an Age field by calculating from the contour's birthdate.

You can create multiple profiles, each of which must have a unlike email address. Within a profile yous can create multiple instances of personal, accost, telephone, and company data. RoboForm Everywhere(Visit Site at True Primal) is even more flexible, with the choice to add together multiple instances of whatever field.

LogMeOnce lets you save credit card details in its Secure Wallet. Cleverly, it detects the card type based on the number you enter. Like Dashlane, information technology creates a menu epitome using the background of your selection, with the cardholder proper noun and issuing banking concern. When y'all click in a credit bill of fare field on a Web course, y'all choose from the clear visual representations of your cards.

Sharing and Inheritance

When you bespeak the mouse at an app in LogMeOnce's Cloud Dashboard, you lot meet icons for sharing and for assigning a beneficiary, and (when bachelor) automatic countersign change. I'll discuss automatic countersign alter below.

You can share any of your passwords with some other LogMeOnce user, using the recipient'due south e-mail address. The gratis edition allows five shares; there's no limit in the premium edition. As with LastPass and Dashlane, the recipient can use the login but tin't see the password. If yous choose to go far an open share, the password is visible, but read-only. There'due south also an option to fix an expiry appointment, merely only in the premium edition.

Defining someone as the beneficiary for a countersign is a different affair. The beneficiary gets access to your data just afterward a specific waiting period. The similar feature in Dashlane, Keeper, and others lets y'all choose the waiting period, but LogMeOnce fixes the waiting period at 45 days. You lot tin set a beneficiary for upwardly to 5 specific apps. A premium business relationship can have unlimited beneficiaries. In that location's also an option to require proof of death before LogMeOnce releases the data. From the Smart Carte du jour, you can define a beneficiary to receive your unabridged account.

Countersign Reporting and Changing

When you showtime using a password manager, the first thing you lot do is go all your existing passwords into the drove. It's easy enough to let the countersign manager generate stiff passwords for any new accounts you register. Merely eventually, yous actually must get back and fix any weak or duplicate passwords.

The Security Scorecard page, reached from the Smart Carte du jour, gives y'all an overview of your security condition as well as what information technology calls a hybrid identity score. The latter is based on a handful of specific criteria, among them whether you're using 2-factor authentication and whether you lot've watched the preparation videos. Clicking for details on master password strength or overall countersign forcefulness triggers an invitation to upgrade.

LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium ScoreCard

Really, the most of import part of this report is at the bottom, which lists all your passwords, from weakest to strongest, and also flags any duplicates. Like LastPass and Dashlane, LogMeOnce can automate the password change procedure for many common websites. There'due south also a separate page that just lists the passwords that it tin can change automatically, with a big button to change them all.

LogMeOnce also provides productivity charts, different views of how yous employ the product. Nonetheless, I'm not sure how many users need a bar graph of account activity, or a pie nautical chart of which browsers got the nigh utilize.

Ultimate Features

A colorful Productivity Dock across the bottom of the dashboard offers quick access to important features. As you point to icons in the dock, they expand, much as on the macOS desktop. And if y'all're using the free edition, the expanded icon is kind of a bummer. It displays a tooltip noting that you must upgrade to the Ultimate edition utilise the dock. I would only turn off brandish of the non-functional dock.

The Devices tab under Security lists all your devices, and lets you delete a device that you no longer use. A map across the bottom lets you locate a missing device…simply only if you're a paid user. For those who've put upwards the money, LogMeOnce offers a full set of anti-theft features, among them remote locate, lock, and wipe, the power to display a message on the missing device, and an option to make information technology band at tiptop volume, in case y'all've simply mislaid it.

When you lot go a notification on your mobile device that someone wants to log in to your account, you lot had meliorate hope that someone is you lot. Users of the premium edition get a ton of information along with the login request, things like the associated email address, appointment/fourth dimension postage stamp, IP address, and even GPS coordinates.


New in this edition, you tin can attach files to whatsoever countersign or secure annotation. However, yous merely get 1MB of storage with the complimentary edition. Every bit with Keeper Countersign Director & Digital Vault, even those paying for the product must pay over again for more storage, $ix.96 per yr for 10GB or $19.92 per twelvemonth for 20GB.

I mentioned that fifty-fifty those with a paid subscription must pay once again for added secure file storage. At an even college level of secure storage chosen Secure Drive, you lot get a fully encrypted, fully manageable online storage drive. Prices range from $39.96 per yr for 50GB to $199.92 per year for 250GB.

Even those paying for Ultimate must pay a little extra for some features, including Scheduled Login, Password SHOCK, and Business relationship Freeze. Briefly, Scheduled Login lets you specify roughly when y'all intend to log in again; a hacker who attempts login at any other time doesn't stand a gamble. Business relationship Freeze lets you temporarily freeze business relationship access, or lock it to your abode IP address. And Countersign SHOCK activates one of eight annoying behaviors on attempts at unauthorized admission to your account. Actually, those using the free edition become 3 activations of Password Stupor, and those who've paid for the Ultimate edition get nine. Unlimited Password SHOCK activations is an actress-cost selection. I'll discuss these in more item in my review of the paid edition.

At nowadays, LogMeOnce offers two bundles. One includes the Ultimate edition plus enhanced Mugshot, Scheduled Login, and 10MB of secure file storage for $4.99 per month, which comes to $59.88 per year. For $7.l per month, or $90 per year, you lot tin can up the storage to 20MB and add Password Shock and Account Freeze. Those prices are manner outside the countersign manager norm. The page advertisement the bundles does claim that you'll save $263.24 by buying the bigger package. That figure fabricated a trivial more sense to me later my contact at the visitor explained that the adding assumes a five-year plan. A little.

Feature Overkill?

The pricing and comparison page on the LogMeOnce website lists 21 features that (co-ordinate to the visitor) no other password manager has. Many of these are the company's own patented engineering, so naturally nobody else has those. Simply I'1000 coming to believe that the reason other products don't include many of these is that they're not needed.

A little farther down, that aforementioned folio lists 46 distinct programme features, with iii columns indicating feature support in the Premium, Professional, and Ultimate editions. In each row a blue dot indicates total support, a yellow dot indicates no support, and a dot that'southward one quarter, half, or three quarters blue means fractional support. Yes, you can click each of the 46 items for a lengthy clarification, and an explanation of those partial-support icons. I expanded all the descriptions and copied the tabular array into Give-and-take, which reported that the resulting certificate would have 43 pages if printed. I salute the persistence of the authors of this folio, but I dubiety many users dig in for those details.

When you're using the free edition, there'southward no simple indicator for unavailable features. They're not grayed out or otherwise marked. You can, for example, tell Business relationship Freeze to freeze access to your account until a specific appointment and time. Only when you endeavor to save your changes do you go the warning that this is a paid edition characteristic.

It's articulate the production's designers are very proud of their product and its many features, just I'm not convinced that this overflow of features is a good thing. I don't see a lot of value in the productivity charts. I haven't seen Single Log-Out in other products, simply I also haven't wanted information technology. And while diggings loud music at a hacker, vibrating the hacker'south device, and the other annoyances of Password Shock audio cool, I really don't call up it'southward necessary.

Excellent just Overstuffed

Despite the word Premium in its name, LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium is completely gratuitous, and it offers a boatload of features, many of which aren't found in any competing password director. When we commencement saw information technology, we were dazzled by the vast ocean of features. Lately nosotros've come up to appreciate password managers that do everything necessary, as unobtrusively as possible, and with consistency across platforms. In the commercial password manager realm, Keeper and Dashlane exemplify this style, while yet including advanced features similar secure sharing, password inheritance, and an actionable password strength report.

The costless edition of LastPass includes those same avant-garde features, along with two-factor authentication, automated password irresolute, and more. It's so consummate that nosotros recently demoted its big brother LastPass Premium from Editors' Choice, on the ground that it doesn't add enough value. In terms of the features nosotros've identified equally important, LastPass matches LogMeOnce, and there'south no confusion about what's available. Yes, LogMeOnce is the absolute winner as far as feature count, and it will definitely entreatment to some. But LastPass excels by getting the job done without fuss. For now, nosotros're declaring LastPass our single Editors' Pick for free password management.

LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium


The Bottom Line

The complimentary, skillfully redesigned LogMeOnce Password Management Suite Premium boasts more than features than whatever competitor, costless or paid. Simply do y'all demand all of those features?

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Posted by: lopezwandevere.blogspot.com

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